Southend-on-Sea Bank Holiday Shakedown

April 17, 2017  •  1 Comment

Southend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownSouthend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownBikers-on-Sea

Southend-on-Sea, Essex, UK - The last Official Shakedown was on the 28th March last year. The 'Southend Shakedown' is traditionally the first mass meeting of motorcyclists along the promenade of the Essex seaside town on the Easter Monday bank holiday, the first outing of the year - hence 'Shakedown'.  This year Ace Cafe is no longer supporting the event. Last year Southend Borough Council and Essex Police demanded over £4k for the organisers to hold the event. Local traders came forward to pay the fee.  This year "nobody" is organising the event so that nobody is liable for a fee!  The organisers, Ace-Cafe, cut all ties with the event last year.  This resulted with no organiser and no one for the Council to send the bill to.


Southend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownSouthend-on-Sea Bank Holiday Shakedown Thousands of bikers still chose to ride to Southend Seafront, despite the Council trying rigorously to dissuade them. Posting dire warnings in the local newspaper and on social media.  This just made the resolve of some of them even stronger!  

Southend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownSouthend-on-Sea Bank Holiday Shakedown There was a heavy police presence.  Essex Police deploying to the Seafront to ensure everyone has a safe day out. 

There wasn't as many Bikers as last year!  But the atmosphere was still good.  Everyone behaved, as far as I could tell and I haven't heard any reports to the contrary!  A lovely way to spend time, and money, by the seaside.  If 1000 bikers came to Southend and spent £10 each, which I think is under cutting it by quite a bit, then that's an extra £10,000 into the local economy.  So if the Council had supported this years event and 10,000 bikers had turned up, like last year.  Well you don't need me to spell it out for you!

Southend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownSouthend-on-Sea Bank Holiday ShakedownFish & Chips by the Sea
You can see all my images from this years "non-event" at Southend Shakedown 2017 
Till next year.  Safe Riding.  


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